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I'm a solar soul. sunny and free.

air and water are the elements that I identify with the most.

have a wild view of things, places and people,

of the infinite possibilities that the Universe presents to me.

with this, be able to choose where to land and live something intensely.

in other words, I'm a little bird who loves to travel.

I like to see the beauty of things.

since I was a child, it connected me with art in many ways.

I like to poeticize moments and feelings.

make the world more beautiful, show people that the world is indeed beautiful.

I do this mainly through drawing.

each art has a little of me.

some are eternalized in the skin.

I also love playing with words,

write some verses and share them.

I wrote my first book of illustrated poetry :)

I like the way the sun touches things e 

I end up registering in photographs, both amateur and loved.


depoetizing a little about me,

I graduated in architecture and planing.

I worked with art direction e scenography.

but today, my focus is on tattooing and illustration.

and I am always open to proposals for new projects.
just contact me via email!

I love getting involved in projects that I identify with the purpose.

together we can create the world we want!

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